How To Take Care After Hair Transplant – Learn All the information

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How to take care of hair after hair transplant so that hair does not break, learn all the necessary information from the experts.

There are many misconceptions in the mind of people regarding hair transplants, which we are removing through this article, know the necessary information from the experts.

At present, young people are also troubled by the problem of hair fall, that what measures are not being adopted to save hair. For those who are losing their hair or those who have lost their hair and are troubled by the problem of baldness, the hair transplant is nothing less than a blessing. Although there are different types of fear among people regarding hair transplant, Whether it is the age of hair or taking care of hair after transplant. There is also confusion in the mind of some people about hair transplant whether it has any side effects. If you are also troubled by any such problem, then we are going to give you every information related to it.

Yes, Founder and Director of BLAMED, dermatologist and aesthetic physician Dr. Ajay Rana gave every information related to hair transplant in Bookdronline. You also should know how effective is hair transplant.

When and under what conditions does a hair transplant take place?

Hair transplant is done for the regrowth of hair in such areas of the scalp where there is less here or there is no here at all. There are effective treatments for many types of hair loss, but they cannot prevent future hair loss. To Maintain the condition of the hair, a hair transplant has to be done at regular intervals. The main causes of hair transplant are hair loss and thinning, hair loss due to aging, some disease or infection, but it can also be due to a medical condition or any type of trauma to the scalp.

What is the process of hair transplant? how many days does it take?

In the hair transplant procedure, the hair you have is transferred to the area you don’t have hair. It is usually taken from the back of your head, but it can also be taken from other parts of your body. Before starting the hair transplant procedure the surgeon sterilizes the area from which the hair will be removed and numbs it by injection so that there is no pain during the process. The hair transplant procedure takes several hours to several days to complete. It depends on the amount of work performed by the surgeon. Once the surgery is done, the surgeon carefully removes the bandage. Swelling may occur at the site of the procedure, so the surgeon may inject Triamcinolone into the area to reduce swelling.

What type of hair is used in hair transplants and what is their age?

The hair used in hair transplant is taken from any part of the body, normally in a hair transplant, it is taken from the back-side of the head.

Does transplanted hair show hair fall symptoms?

Many people believe that hair loss stops after a hair transplant. That is why no further treatment is needed. But it is not like that, hair fall cannot be stopped by hair transplant surgery. It is necessary to take regular medical treatment after transplant to prevent hair fall after hair transplant. Actually, hair fall happens due to hormones. Special creams and ointments are applied after a hair transplant. Also, with the help of tablets and injections, an attempt is made to balance the hormones. This method can be of little help in preventing hair fall. But hair fall cannot be stopped just by doing a hair transplant.

How to take care of hair after a hair transplant?

  • On the first day of surgery, hair should be washed under the supervision of a physician or nurse.
  • From the second day onwards shampoo your hair regularly, because the process part requires the removal of the dirt, blood, and oil. It also helps to control infection, which is common post-surgery.
  • Wait at least 14 days before use color your hair, hair sprays, gels, Hair Styling Tools, and other hair care products.
  • Avoid using any kind of shampoo for hair products without consulting a doctor.
  • Massage mustard oil or other oil on the transplanted area.

How much does this whole process cost?

  • The cost of a hair transplant can be different for everyone. It depends on the density of the hair of the person.
  • The final cost of a hair transplant can depend on various factors, such as:
  • Limitation of the hair transplant procedure.
  • Availability of Aesthetic surgeons in your area.
  • Experience of the hair transplant surgeon.
  • Use of liser and other modern technology for hair transplant.
  • The use of post-hair transplant medications can also increase the cost of the procedure.

Is it effective for both men and women, does it have any side effects?

Hair transplant is a better treatment for both men and women. Side effects from a hair transplant are usually minor and it gets clear up within a few weeks.

There may be side effects like swelling, bleeding, infection, loss of sensation in the scalp area, itching in the procedure area after hair transplant, Which ends with the use of medicines in a few days.

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