Does Chlorine Kill Lice? Swimming, Treatment, and More

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Does Chlorine Kill Lice? Swimming, Treatment, and More

Lice are one of the most common problems that people have. On the bright side, there are many ways to kill them and prevent them from coming back. Does chlorine kill lice? How do you keep lice from coming back? What is the difference between a louse and a nit? Find out all about these questions in this article!

What is chlorine?

Chlorine is a chemical that can be used to disinfect water and some other things. This article will explain what chlorine is, how it works, and its uses.

Does chlorine kill lice?

Chlorine is a powerful chemical used to kill bacteria and other substances in water. It destroys the oil, which lice feed on. However, some people believe that it’s not enough to kill all lice when they’re swimming or in water because chlorine doesn’t get into the hair and skin where lice lay eggs.

Swimming and chlorine

Most experts agree that chlorine doesn’t kill lice. If you want to get rid of lice, one must wash the hair with shampoo and also use a treatment of some sort.

Treatment of lice

Lice are small insects that typically feed on blood, and along with the nits they produce, can cause a significant amount of pain. One treatment for lice is to use vinegar, which washes away the parasites. However, this method is not recommended because it can lead to infection.

Avoiding lice with natural products

If your child is having an infestation, and you don’t want to use a chemical treatment, you should consider using natural products to remove the lice. Soaking hair in a mixture of water and vinegar removes lice from the scalp and kills them. The vinegar also helps eliminate the eggs from the hair shaft as it dries.


Our conclusion is that swimming with chlorine does not kill lice–the individual must take measures in order to get rid of them.

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