A guide to the frenectomy dental procedure

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A guide to the frenectomy dental procedure

This article is meant to give you a step-by-step guide on an increasingly popular dental procedure – the frenectomy. This procedure removes a small amount of bone from the roof of your mouth, which in turn enables the dentist to remove your wisdom tooth without causing any damage at all. But before going ahead with this procedure, it’s important to make sure that you’re mentally prepared for what could happen when the work is done.

What is a frenectomy dental procedure?

A frenectomy is a dental procedure that removes all of the frenum, or the thin tissue that connects your upper teeth to your lower teeth. It has many benefits, including prevention of tooth wear and increased comfort for patients with crowded mouths.

Before the Procedure

Before the procedure, the dentist will numb the area and use a scalpel to shave off a thin layer of skin that has hair. After shaving, they will clean the area and sterilize it with hydrogen peroxide. The teeth will then be filed down to a point before making a small incision in front of each tooth. The dentist will move them through the incisions before cutting off any remaining pieces of skin. This process is meant for one area at a time, but may require multiple areas if there are too many teeth to fit within the scope of one section.

During the Procedure

After a person has had a frenectomy, they can eat almost anything they want. This process removes the majority of the nerves in the tooth and leaves them with a firm structure. In some cases, patients may still want to retain their teeth but not have to endure pain from eating. They should consider a dental implant or denture.

After the Procedure

A frenectomy is a dental procedure that removes excess skin that can be found in the corners of your mouth. The extensions are called frena, and they’re connected to the muscles in your cheeks which allow you to smile and laugh.

Postoperative Instructions

After undergoing a frenectomy, it is recommended that you stop smoking as soon as possible. If you do not stop smoking, the chance of developing gum disease will increase significantly. It is also important to limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine during this time. There are no specific dietary restrictions for an individual who has undergone a frenectomy.


The frenectomy procedure is a procedure that removes the frenum. Frenectomy is a dental procedure in which the thin membrane, or frenum, that connects the top front teeth to the bottom rear teeth is removed. A frenum is usually removed due to discomfort, losing sensation, or speech impediments.

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