Jaw Shaving Surgery: Everything You Need to Know

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Jaw Shaving Surgery: Everything You Need to Know

If you have a receding or protruding jaw, there are several options available for you to consider. Jaw shaving surgery is one of the most popular procedures that people turn to to get their teeth and jawline in shape. In this article, I’m going to list the procedure, what it means for your teeth, and what you can expect from it.

What is Jaw Shaving Surgery?

Jaw shaving surgery is a type of chin implant surgery that is designed to make you look younger. The procedure involved breaking the jaw bone and then inserting a metal piece between the chin and the lower nasal cavity. Jaw shaving surgery is like any other chin implant surgery, so there are plenty of risks involved with it.

Procedure of Jaw Shaving

Jaw shaving surgeries are a type of facial plastic surgery. They involve the doctor taking a thin layer of skin from the lower jaw and other parts of the face to help reshape the jaw line.

Who can Benefit from Jaw Shaving Surgery?

Jaw shave surgery can benefit anyone who is trying to improve their jawline. This includes men, women, and teenagers, but it may not be a good idea if you have some type of condition that prevents you from healing properly. If your jawline is uneven right now, then jaw shaving surgery can fix that problem. Jaw shave surgery is also an effective cosmetic procedure for people who want to look slimmer and get rid of wrinkles on their face.

Cost of Jaw Shaving Surgery

A jaw shaving surgery is a surgical procedure in which a person’s jaw and cheekbone are shaved to make room for dental implants. They also help decrease the risk of facial nerve damage, gum tissue loss, and other complications. Jaw shaving surgeries cost about $4,000 and can be performed at an outpatient surgery center or emergency room.

What to Expect after Jaw Shaving Surgery

It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for the first few days after your jaw-shaving surgery. This may include wearing a chin strap and covering your mouth with a gauze or cotton bandage. You will also need to return to the doctor’s office periodically for observation, intake of pain medication, and having any sutures removed.


These surgeries are a big risk and it is not in your best interest to take them. Just like any other surgery, there can be complications after the jaw-shaving procedure. You might find that you are unable to swallow or eat anything and your face has changed. If you’re thinking about having one of these procedures, it is important to talk to your dentist or doctor before making any decisions.

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