Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing: How They May Save Your Teeth

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Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing: How They May Save Your Teeth

Our teeth are one of the most important features of our appearance. They are an integral part of what we can do with our mouths and, as such, need to be looked after. When we have a build-up of plaque on our teeth, this can cause a number of problems. These include bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, gum disease, and even the potential for losing your own teeth. It is therefore imperative that people take care of their teeth in order to make sure they are healthy.

What is Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

Periodontal Scaling and Root Planning is a procedure that helps to improve gum health. They remove plaque and tartar from the surfaces of teeth and clean the spaces between them. This procedure is usually done in two visits but you can do it at home as well!

Why should you have it done on your teeth?

Periodontal scaling and root planning is a procedure that should be considered in cases of bulging and receding gums, bleeding gums, loose teeth, and bad breath. The procedure is fairly painless with little downtime, but it can also help prevent gum disease.

How can a dentist evaluate whether or not your teeth are healthy enough to undergo scaling and root planning?

One of the most vital steps in a scaling and root planning procedure is to evaluate the health of your teeth. A study was conducted that found that patients with healthy teeth had a much lower chance of developing gum disease than those who have unhealthy teeth. The dentists use several tools to evaluate the health of your teeth before they perform the procedure, such as intra-oral photos and x-rays, periodontal probing depth assessment, and radiographs.

What do scaling and root planing involve?

Periodontal scaling and root planing are the two most common procedures used to treat periodontal disease and gum disease. They involve the removal of bacteria-contaminated calculus softened by scaling and root planing, which is then treated with a chemical solution containing antibiotics, irrigation, laser therapy and/or a mechanical scaler.

What kind of risks might there be during the process?

In some cases, the risks associated with scaling and root planing include an increased risk for bleeding, nerve damage and infection. However, these risks are generally low.

How long will the treatment take?

Periodontal scaling and root planing is a treatment that removes plaque build-up and bacteria from around the teeth. It can also prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Periodontal scaling and root planing is typically done as an outpatient procedure, meaning it can be done in a dentist’s office.


Losing teeth by accident is a common concern for many people. However, dental professionals have methods at their disposal to help prevent this from happening. One thing they can do is scaling and root planning. This process helps remove plaque, food remnants, and bacteria that are trapped deep in the layers of your gums. This is an easy way to clean up your mouth, as well as maintain healthy teeth. If you have any questions about periodontal scaling or root planing in general, please let Dr. Lissard know!

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